Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Ok, I GET it..

Ever feel like a pit bull?

I distinctly remember my next door neighbor Tricia's boyfriend having a pit bull. Or more to the point I remember the afternoon I watched it tear apart one of their cats. What stands out the most is Tricia screaming at him to stop the dog from killing the cat and Marty (her boyfriend) beating this dog on the head FULL FORCE with a 16" steel pipe, blow after blow, again and again...course that didn't even phase that dog. It stopped when IT was done, and not before. Sat down and wagged his tail and barked at Marty like he just gave him a treat.

Ok, I have to admit this...I'm a geek. Have been, will always be, etc. Course I am not your regular geek, I am King of the geeks (come to one of my High School reunions and you'll understand). HOWEVER even though I am a geek and I work in the IS industry, AND I tell my clients things like "Of COURSE you can trust Exchange 2007. Yeah, I know it just came out yesterday..", I am a stick in the mud about some things. My wife tells me I am stubborn, but I know better. I'm just right and they are wrong *grin*. One thing I never got was blogs. Seemed like everyone I worked with or for had one, and said things like 'Check my blog out, I got some great pics of my car on it' or 'Dude, my blog got soo many hits on my schema question...stuff I NEVER knew about' (and if you understand that, please join me in a rousing chorus of the Lumberjack Song you geek). I would just smile at them, shake my head, chuckle a little and try to never let them see the 'WOW!!! And you WORK in IT?? I'm afraid I must KILL YOU!!!' thoughts in my mind ( or two caught on, but no body/no foul eh?). I figured I would get blogging when I got...well..clogging or flogging or monologuing. Then I get this email on motorcycles..

I will admit when I saw Bill had a blog my first instinct was to grab my steel and fly to Colorado (course the whole airport security thing had me stumped). Then I read his blog...really read it (it being short helped a hell of a lot..that and the tequila). What I saw/read wasn't about cars or phones or whatever, it was about reaching out to friends. Ones who live near and you see every day, and even ones who are asses and live across the continent and don't talk all that much (I promise to try better). Thanks Bill for letting me share some of your day..I miss you a hell of a lot.

Oh well, I guess it's time to say 'Bow Wow' and roll over...can I get a Scooby Snack now???


Anonymous said...

I like it alot! I am with you. It took me until just a bit ago to create mine and I don't post all that much, but I like being able to have something "out there" that people can see what I am up to. I will definitely keep checking in here.

I miss the hell out of you also my friend. There is not a day that goes by I don't think of everyone just a bit and wonder what they are doing. I am not great at the communication thing either (must be a guy thing) and I am trying to do better too.


Jhianna said...

Heh - welcome to the pain :P

Ditto what Bill said - it's nice to hear from you.